Welcome to my art studio.

Stitch Glimpse is a continuation of my journey through the world of fibre, which began in 2010 with my first knitted projects presented to the world. (Back in those days, I called my studio prawelewe, a Polish made-up word for knitspurls.)
I made my first stitches on straight needles when I was a child. My grandmother helped me to cast on and then thought me a knit stitch. I continued practicing with a scarf in garter stitch. After several weeks, it was a very long scarf… since I did not know how to bind off, I kept adding new rows.

A lot has changed since then. I taught myself how to wheel and spindle spin. I tried dyeing yarn and fibre. I began processing fleece to have more influence on what and how I spin. Also, after many years of break, I returned to weaving, and all that with tons of knitting in the background.

I find it refreshing to dive into some other crafts from time to time. Calligraphy, watercolour painting, woodworking, lino cut, jewellery making, cross stitching, tatting, macramé are all excellent activities to pursue while taking break from my everyday crafts.

This website is home to my patterns and the stories behind those designs. I find it magical to share about the context in which my ideas were born. It adds depth to every pattern I publish, and, hopefully, makes my instructions way more intriguing than just a page of text.

You will find useful materials under the handbook tab, including my video episodes dedicated to my designs, techniques, research, tools and more, and a breath of fresh air in my gallery, where I showcase my creations through the lenses of my favourite camera.

Enjoy browsing my StitchGlimpse.com and welcome back any time.

With warm greetings,

For pattern support and business queries: studio (at) stitchglimpse.com
Connect with me on social media:

Please contact me if you need to reuse any element from my webiste. ~Cathliin